Calls renewed for criminal prosecution of workplace deaths (anglais seulement)

24 janvier 2014
When the B.C. Criminal Justice Branch announced earlier this month that no charges would be laid in a deadly sawmill explosion in Burns Lake, the families of the two victims killed in the explosion were outraged.
They could not believe that there would be no legal reckoning for the deaths of Robert Luggi Jr., 45, and Carl Charlie, 42.
Each man had three children who are devastated, said Lucy Campbell, Carl’s sister. “They want some kind of justice,” she said.
In addition to the deaths of Luggi Jr. and Charlie, 20 workers were injured in the Jan. 20, 2012 blast at the Babine Forest Products sawmill, which is majority-owned by Oregon-based Hampton Affiliates.
The question of justice as it relates to deaths in the workplace has become a pointed one in the aftermath of the Crown’s decision...Read more.

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