Your industry.
Your voice

Member-driven. Future-focused.


The Canadian Wood Pallet & Containers mission is to be instrumental in giving our members tools and information to improve their businesses.

Membership that gives you more.

The CWPCA will be:

  • Your information source (newsletters, webinars and more!)
  • Your voice in the industry
  • You gateway to opportunities and discounts

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Pallet Design System

Become HT Certified

Who should become certified?
A basic guideline to determine whether a facility should be certified is: does the facility do any transformation to wood that ends up as Wood Packaging Material?


The main purpose of the certification is to prevent the spread of pests in wood packaging material used for export.

What is the HT program? 

List of registered facilities


Issues and initiatives

Use of wood sourced from sustainably harvested forests helps reduce your carbon footprint because it has a negative carbon footprint.
CWPCA was chosen to be the service provider for its ability to provide a superior inspection program to all regions for the lowest price.
Since the ISPM-15 regulations came into effect in 2006, Canada and the United States have agreed to a bilateral exemption.
Our overall objective is to establish a strong safety management program for all members across Canada.


CWPCA 58th AGM 2025
May 29-30, 2025
The Westin Harbour Castle - Toronto, ON


Partnership with NWPCA on PDS
The Canadian Wood Pallet & Container Association (CWPCA) is pleased to announce that we have signed an exclusive partnership with the National Wood Pallet and Container Association (NWPCA) to market Pallet Design System™ (PDS) in Canada.

PO Box 280 ,Carleton Place, ON, K7C 3P4
T. 613.521.6468 or 1.877.224.3555 F. 866.375.1835
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